over: Diferi inter la revizi

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Lineo 1:
* ([[above]]) ([[prep.]]) [[super]]; (adv.) [[supere]]; ([[upon]]) [[sur]](a);
:([[across]]: [[indicating]] [[motion]]) [[tra]];
:(across on the [[other]] [[side]]) [[trans]];
:([[excessive]]) [[tro]], -a;
:(finished[[finish]]ed) (par-)finita;
:([[more]] than) plu kam; (cf. [[plusa]]; [[restanta]]);
:(in [[authority]]) [[superiora]];
:[[hand]] o.: [[livrar]];
:[[turn]] o.: [[turnar|turnez]]! (com.) [[totala]] [[cirkulado]];
:the [[danger]] is o.: la [[danjero]] esas [[pasinta]];
:all the [[world]] o.: en la [[toto]] [[mondo]];
:the [[matter]] is not o. yet: l’aferol’[[afero]] ne esas [[ankore]] (par-)finita;
:there is [[money]] o.: (remaining) esas [[pekunio]] [[restanta]];
:there is [[nothing]] o.: esas [[nulo]] plusa (od, restanta);
:o. [[again]]: [[itere]] (cf. prefix [[ri.|ri-]]);
:o. and [[above]]: [[pluse]]; [[ultre]];
:o. and o.: sen-cese[[sencese]], [[plur-foye]];
:red [[all]] o.: [[tote]] [[reda]].
:[[think]] over - [[meditar]].