I. (v.) (tr., intr.) (be / put in contact with) tushar; (cf. kontaktar, kontiguar);
- (reach) atingar, tushar;
- (in passing) frolar;
- (stop at) haltar ye;
- (disturb) desaranjar; tushar; movar.
- (of a ship) touch at (a port) - eskalar.
- touch the emotions - emocigar, emocar.
- touch the mind - koncernar.
- touch up - (improve) plubonigar; (a picture) retushar.
- touch upon - aludar.
- touch with the fingers - (feel about) palpar.
- touch off - (light) acendar.
- touched - (of emotions) emocanta.
II. (n.)
- (act) tusho, tushado.
- sense of touch - takto, tush-senso.
- put the last touch to - parfinar; facar la lasta stroki.
- to be in touch (with) - kontaktar;
- to put in touch with - informar (ulu pri);
- (touch and go) esar en necerta stando, ye granda hazardo.
- to give the final touches to, put the finishing touches to - finisar.
- touch board - koloplako.
- out of touch -
(on vartas traduko) |