

Bonveno a Wikivortaro per Ido ! – Ico esas pagino di diskutado, en qua tu povas recevar mesaji de altra uzanti.
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Artomo 08:34, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)

CAN YOU SPEAK ENGLISH  ? .................. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SAY . שחר1979 09:38, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, but it is supposed that the main language here is Ido. I thought you knew basics about Ido when you created account here. The text above makes you welcome. Artomo 10:13, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)

OK, So how do I add the category of "Hebrew" ? שחר1979 10:43, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)

Here you get the models for pages. “De Ido a la nacionala lingui” means “From Ido to national language”. This is the new version of pages, and you can add the Hebrew word under the section “Altra lingui H” in the page of Ido word. There is also old, simplier version, and if you happen to find such page, just add Hebrew word in the correct place in the alphabetic order. The pages with old version are ment to be changed one by one later.
“De (ula) nacionala linguo ad Ido” means “From (some) national language to Ido”. We use such category system: “Kategorio:He 21”. Here the “1” and “2” mean the two first letters (as you use the right-to-left direction).
We have already some Hebrew words, see this. Pick out some pages in order to get the structure of page. - Enjoy and have linguistic fun! Artomo 13:07, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)

Thank you very much! :) שחר1979 14:21, 24 di februaro 2010 (UTC)