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Hola George A. Semblas ke tu savas la Kurd-linguo. Ka tu povas dicar quala esas la relato inter la Latina-literala e la Araba-literala skribo en la Kurd-linguo? Qua esas la “oficala” versiono di la linguo? Ka la Latina e la Araba literi montras ula politikala opiniono? Ka ni povas uzar hike ridirektili del Araba skribo a la Latina skribo o ka ni mustas krear du paralela pagini pri un vorto pro la diferanta skribostili?
(In case you do not understand Ido.) It seems that you know the Kurdish. Could you say what is the relation between the Latin and Arabic writings in the Kurdish? Which one is the “oficial” one? Does the Latin or Arabic letters show some political opinion? Is it possible to use here redirecting from the Arabic writing to Latin writing or do we need to create two parallel pages about one word because of the different writings? --Arto (talk) 14:24, 8 di decembro 2012 (UTC)
- Hi best Artomo
- thanks for your attention.Both the Latin script and the Arabic script is used in Kurdish language.The Kurdish with Latin script is the official language of Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan). The Latin scripted words and the in Arabic written Kurdish are the same( nearly).I would say we can use the both scripts but I can't write in Arabic.And that's why I will create only the Kurdish word written with Latin script.Best regards--George Animal (talk) 20:33, 17 di decembro 2012 (UTC)
Ok. Let’s go on with these Latin letters. See this. --Arto (talk) 20:44, 17 di decembro 2012 (UTC)
Derivita termini
redaktarDear friend,
remember that in this Wiki the focus and centre is the auxiliary language Ido. Our first aim is to show the lexical system of Ido, for ex. like this and this. I myself use simple arrow (→) if I want to connect one word to another in the pages of languages other than Ido. So, pardon me, maybe the "derivita termini" is not so good. And it would demand a lot if you'll collect every derived term in the lists. Now the categorisation makes the same job automatically. --Arto (talk) 09:38, 18 di decembro 2012 (UTC)