I (n.) (in gen.) peco (cf. suffix -ajo; fragmento; parcelo).

a piece of money - monetopeco.
a piece of music - muzikajo.
a piece of poetry - poeziajo, poemeto;
piece by piece - pecope.
in one piece - un-pece, un-bloke.
give someone a piece of one’s mind - dicar verajo / sincera opiniono ad ulu.
a piece of wit - espritajo.
piece goods - stofi vendesas pecope.
break to pieces - frakasar.
break into pieces - (tr.) pecigar, (intr.) peceskar.
take to pieces - desjuntar.
a piece of artillery - kanono.
a piece of cloth - tuko.
take to pieces - desasemblar, desmuntar (ulo).
broken pieces - fragmenti.

II. (v.) piece out - prolongar.