A. (prep.)
- in the city - en l'urbo.
- is your father in - ka vua patro esas heme (od, che su)?
- in addition - pluse, ultre (ke).
- in exchange for - po.
- in favour of - por.
- in order that - por ke (with imperative).
- in spite of - malgre.
- in such a way, (so) that - tale ke.
- in case that - en kazo ke, kaze ke.
- in so far - segun quante.
- in reference to, in regard to - pri.
- be versed in the sciences - esar erudita pri la cienci.
- in this hypothesis - segun ta hipotezo.
- (in a period of time) dum.
- in winter - en vintro (od, vintre).
- in former time - en l’ olima tempo.
- in his infancy - dum sua infanteso.
- in six months (= during) - en / dum sis monati, (= at the end of) pos sis monati.
- in the meantime - dume, interime, dum ica tempo, lore, dum la intertempo.
B. (n.)
- en.
- en.
- en.