Radiko por: posto, poste

Plusa moyeni di la vortifo: la sufixi e la prefixi
+ aj = postajo
+ al = postala
+ aj = postalajo
+ estr = postestro
+ ist = postisto

I. (v.) (a letter) enpostigar; pozar en post-buxo;

(accounts) enskribar;
(hurry) (intr.) hastar;
(put on guard) postenizar, facionar;
(a poster) afish-glutinar, afish-glutinigar;
be posted on - (a subject) informesar (komplete) pri.

II. (n.)

door post - pordofosto.
guide post - indiko-fosto; voyo-montrilo.
by post - poste.
post-chaise - postoveturo.
post free - (prepaid) afrankita, afrankite.
post office - postokontoro.
be left at the post office until called for - poste restante.
wielki Post - karesmo.
(militar sau unde se stă de gardă) posteno.