(insufficient) nesuficanta;
(abrupt) bruska;
(brief) kurta;
(stature) mikra;
(limited) limitizita, limitizata; streta.
to cut short - kurtigar.
it falls far short of - ol tote ne suficas; mankas multo.
to be short of - esar sen; indijar; bezonar;
to fall short of - ne-atingar;
(of expectations) ne satisfacar l’expekto di ulu.
to fall short in - mankar (ad).
to cut short - (shorten) kurtigar; abreviar;
(stop) haltigar; interruptar (la parolado di ulu).
to be short of - (necessities of life; of ideas) indijar.
in short - kurte, fine, sume.
to make shorter - plukurtigar.
the sum is short ten francs - mankas dek franki a la sumo.
short story - novelo.
(on vartas traduko)