- (some means) per;
- (concerning) pri;
- (who has, have) qua havas, havante;
- (against) kontre;
- (towards) ad;
- (in the house of) che;
- (nearby) apud, proxim.
- to be with someone - esar kun ulu.
- to write with a pen - skribar per plumo.
- compared with - kompare ad.
- the lady with blue eyes - la damo havanta blua okuli.
- I am angry with him - me iracas kontre il.
- with reference to - relate ad.
- he is with me - (at my house) il esas che me.
- to speak with his hands in his pockets - la manui en la poshi, il parolis a me; il parolis a me, dum ke ilua manui esis en ilua poshi.
- she is with child - el esas gravida.
- they profess the same faith with you - li profesas la sama kredo kam vu.