I. (prep.) (because) pro ke (cf. nam);
- (from the time of) depos;
- since you like it - pro ke vu prizas ol.
- since the death of his wife - depos la morto di sua spozino.
II. (adv.) (from the time when) dekande; delore;
- (ago) ante; recente; (→ ago);
- (afterwards) pose.
- since then - delore, depose.
- since I saw him - dekande me vidis il.
- it happened since - ol eventis (de) pose (od: depos ta tempo).
- a short time since - ante kurta tempo, recente.
- since when - dekande.
- since when? - de kande?
- since the time that - de kande, de lore.
III. (conj.)