(Ridirektita de at sign)
- (because) pro;
- (duration) dum; en;
- (near) apud;
- (contiguity) an;
- (price) po;
- (at a certain time) ye;
- (indefinite) ye;
- (at someone's house or place) che;
- (towards) ad, vers.
- at a blow - subite, unfoye, per un stroko.
- at all - irgamaniere; irgakaze.
- not at all - tote ne.
- at all events - omnakaze, adminime, ye irga evento.
- at a loss - perplexigita, en dubo konfuzigita.
- at any rate - omnakaze, adminime.
- at a pinch - en kazo di neceseso.
- at a stand - haltigita, interruptita; konfuzigita.
- at dawn - ye l'auroro, aurore.
- at discretion - segun vua judiko, sen kondiciono.
- at ease - tranquila; nejenata, komfortoza; (mil.) (stacar) segun (ye) volo.
- at fault - faliar, erorar.
- at first - komence.
- at hand - proxim, apud.
- at heart - en mea kordio, reale, intime.
- at intervals - inter-space, inter-tempe, ye inter-spaci.
- at work - okupata.
- at it - tre okupata.
- at large - libere.
- at last - fine, pos longa tempo.
- at least - adminime.
- at once - quik, samatempe, sam-instante.
- at … o'clock - ye …
- at present - nun, prezente.
- at sight - ye unesma vido.
- (to sit) at a table - an tablo.
- at the end - fine.
- at the time - lore.
- at the moment - ta-instante, tatempe.
- at will - segun volo / plezuro.